Teaching Money Management Occurs in Eight Developmental Stages

Interested in Teaching Money Management? You’ve reached the right page. We have developed guidelines describing the eight essential stages involved in the personal finance education process, to guide individuals and organizations toward reaching their goals.

Benchmarks and Criteria for Teaching Money Management Effectively

Decisive Teaching Money Management Capabilities

1. The Eight Essential Components of Teaching Money Management

Anyone with a desire for Teaching Money Management can discover what they need here. Following is a brief illustration that covers how each of the eight essential steps worked for someone else:

Linda Stevens, a financial professional, had a strong interest in Teaching Money Management to her clients. She knew her clients well, as she specialized in helping people who were approaching retirement age. But although Linda was well-versed in finances, she was inexperienced as a teacher. She reached out to her clients by phone, and found out many of them would be interested in attending a retirement planning seminar. She determined to offer a two-hour weekend seminar and invite all her near-retirement clients to join.

Formation of Teaching Money Management Best Practices

2. Fit Learner Needs into Time Frame – Step 1 in Teaching Money Management

Linda’s initial thought was to bring a group of 25 clients together to discuss common questions and understand the steps required to put a retirement plan in place. Because the time she’d allotted was just a little, she was okay with just going over the basics of retirement planning and how to create a retirement plan. But across the long-term, Linda hoped to develop a retirement planning instruction series.

3. Teaching Money Management: Match Pacing, Delivery to Learning Preferences

How best to pace the instruction? Linda considered next. And what delivery methods should I use? She wanted timeline-based pacing, because her clients were close to reaching retirement age. And because her clients were older and spread far apart geographically, she thought a webinar focused on teaching money skills would be an excellent way to bring them together.

Systems for Teaching Money Management Reasonings

Expansion for Teaching Money Management Developments

4. Design Educational Focus

Now Ms. Stevens was at the point where she needed to design the focus of her Teaching Money Management webinar by choosing appropriate topics. Since her clients had indicated a need for retirement resources, she homed in on retirement planning and investments for her primary emphasis.

5. Options to Find Educators with Skills in Teaching Money Management

Who would teach Linda’s webinar? Was the next question on the list. Linda had plenty of financial knowledge, but she lacked teaching experience. She needed an instructor with proven Teaching Money Management capabilities, in addition to strong relevant content knowledge. Her solution was to go through training herself to gain a credential as a Certified Financial Education Instructor. This certification would boost her credentials and build her résumé at the same time.  She also wanted to bring in a retirement speaker as a guest presenter for more advanced lessons.

Programs for Teaching Money Management Scopes

Analysis of Teaching Money Management Best Practices

6. It’s Implementation Time! Which Materials to Present?

The next question Linda needed to ask was, which money management lesson plans are best for Teaching Money Management? She wanted something that would be easily tailored to the webinar format, that could accommodate any schedule, and that aligned with personal finance and educational standards. She reached her objectives by choosing a curriculum supported by a design team and developed according to evidence-based learning principles.

7. Accurate Measures Demonstrate Success of Teaching Money Management

Linda presented her webinar on a Saturday afternoon, and out of the 25 clients who had registered, 23 attended (92%). Everyone who signed in stayed for the entire program, and on a brief follow-up questionnaire, 20 of the participants (87%) said they had laid down the foundation of a retirement plan one week after the webinar. Linda designed a report summarizing these data and planned to use it to raise client awareness about the program.

Essential Teaching Financial Education Productions

8. Providing Ongoing Learner Support is Essential

Linda’s vision for Teaching Money Management was underway, but she knew the first webinar was just a start. Her clients would need to continue developing and revising their retirement plans over time. She followed up right away with a thank-you email to each participant. Then she implemented a plan for monthly email newsletters that would support participants’ continuing education and offer just-in-time tips as their retirements drew nearer.

Teaching Money Management – Certified Financial Education Instructor

The NFEC’s Certified Financial Education Instructor coursework is recognized by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards and used by over 30 colleges nationwide (including 2 of the top 10 schools in the country). CFEI graduates possess the skills, credibility, and confidence to effectively teach personal finance.

Graduates who achieve NFEC financial literacy certification are among the most qualified financial educators available with the skills to make a lasting difference in the lives of those they reach. The NFEC invites anyone with a passion for teaching money management to explore the Certified Financial Education Instructor professional development course.

Financial Literacy Certification

The NFEC’s Certified Financial Education Instructor Program is recognized as a leading educator training course. Graduates receive the skills and credibility they need to promote and teach financial literacy.

Personal Finance Speakers Association

The Personal Finance Speakers Association (PFSA) was developed by the NFEC to promote financial education experts, advocates, presenters, and keynote speakers.

Speakers, Presenters & Keynotes

Members of the NFEC’s Personal Finance Speakers Association will give your next event a professional touch. Rest assured that your next event will be talked about long after it’s over.

Featured Financial Educators

Read about the ongoing efforts of NFEC financial literacy-certified educators in your community and around the world.

Financial Literacy Certification Standards

Everyone who graduates the Certified Financial Education Course has demonstrated the ability to meet the high Financial Educator Standards.

Live Events Production

The NFEC offers a variety of full-production events. From small workshops to high-profile celebrity productions, the NFEC has an event to fit your organization’s goals.